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LinkedIn Etiquette

By February 28, 2017No Comments

LinkedIn Etiquette

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to connect with prospects, customers and referral sources. However, the platform has a more professional tone than Facebook and Twitter. Follow these do’s and don’ts on proper etiquette to get the maximum mileage from your profile.

DO post one daily professional status update to reinforce your brand and business personality. Sharing relevant articles, blog posts, stats and advice are fair game. If your team volunteers for an event, reinforce this aspect of your business culture with a photo and information.

DON’T make “spammy” group messages or posts. Anything you contribute should add value to your contacts and groups. Blanket sales pitches and self promotions should be reserved for those with whom you’ve established rapport.

DO ask people you know for recommendations and offer to reciprocate. Be wary of trading recommendations with people you don’t know.

DO participate in groups, but DON’T be overly critical. Groups allow professionals in the same industry or with similar interests to share information and ask advice. Be fair and balanced when commenting, not negative. People have much more confidence in making connections with positive participants.

DON’T use the default connection message that says “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” Personalize the message. People are more likely to respond to a thoughtful request.

DO turn off the “Notify Your Network” feature when updating your profile. Otherwise, each change you make triggers a notification.

LinkedIn can be a powerful networking tool, and these tips can help you communicate your value more effectively.

Sources: Top Dog Social Media, Business 2 Community


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